I is now converted to WE

We are group of working professionals with immense experience in multi-national giants as well as  enterprenaurs and are teamed up  to deliver quality stuff to see that improvement is consistent on serving the best in this dynamic updating world.

This is how my Journey began and is now moving ahead as a Team

It all started with career guidance to students which majority were not given and so do I when even I joined a Job. could understand reason behind why people switch from one organization to another and some stick to one company and grow. On observing all these could gather professionals from various companies and started interacting with them which includes Top Most , India’s Leading Enterprenaurs who are my inspiration …as time went by got a team and next column is all about them where without them , today I would not be enhancing further.

The first person who joined along with me was a job-seeker who had tremendous skills followed by that were some more who started as freelancers and then moved into regular jobs. Apart from them were and are my ex-employees who are now delivering one of the best quality of all times. Next level of people with whom I have interacted and are now with me are India’s Leading coaches and Top most Enterprenaurs who changed Life of many working professionals and as all are clubbed up , zoomed ahead further despite Pandemic where we need to thank the New God , The Internet.

Rohini Mundra

Thought Leader, Speaker, Author, Coach, Youngest Level IV Certified Trainer, Award Winning Entrepreneur

Started her career as an Assistant Manager i in HSBC and then shifted to another leading financial institution Kotak Mahindra and then transformed as leading women enterprenaur , TED-Ex Speaker and now have changed Lives of millions round the Globe. Interacted in person in the year 2019 and in-fact learnt a lot

Pioneer to Digital Coaching & Training Industry in India with an un-matched work Ethic and can be considered as Diamond


He is a Typical Tamil Brahmin , college drop-out , did face many hardships and now the owner of the Internet Lifestyle Hub where he emphasizes on Freedom to Earn and an expert in digitalization where he did serve round the Globe. 

Truly elated to be a part of his team and his mission is to make the broken education system run well and see that everyone earn well without any hassels , will know more about him and his indirect contribution to me



 Leading enterprenaur of Southern India

His famous statement is “The income of person grows when their mind grows”

Started his career as a Sales person and then moved into marketing where today he is one of the millionare which he achieved in a very short span of time through his hard-work and perservence. will definetly make you all interact as we both belong to the beautiful city , the Hyderabad. 

Many have joined & some are yet to

Apart from the above Top class mentors , there are many working professionals who have joined hands and make it move forward and thier information will be shared in detail shortly